Totemic Demons and Gods
I have this weird obsession with mask and statues from ancient cultures. Gods, monsters and other weird obscurities. I try to honor the tradition by illustrating some of my favorites.
Client: Personal projectDate: 2015
It may seem like I’m all about the cute and colourful, the warm and the fuzzy. But believe me: I have a dark side too. I have this weird obsession with mask and statues from ancient cultures. Gods, monsters and other weird obscurities. I try to honour the tradition by illustrating some of my favourites. Created using Adobe Illustrator for line work and colours in Photoshop.
The Totemic Demons & Gods designs are a personal project of mine. I like to try something different and challenge myself. Besides, it’s always good to expand my portfolio. When I like the outcome of my personal projects, I use it as an example for potential clients to showcase my work.

Barong maks

Based on an Oni mask

Based on an Olmec head

Based on a Reog Barong maks (Lion Barong)

Based on a Demon Samurai maks

Linework without colors

Shirts, digital fullcolor print

A3 size poster

A3 size poster